In this post, we are going through the deleted and unreleased scenes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That includes the deleted scenes found on the home media releases, clips from behind the scenes documentaries and trailers, as well as scenes from the script.
The Goblet of Fire movie was released in 2005. It was directed by Mike Newell, and Steve Kloves wrote the screenplay.
The fourth instalment in the Harry Potter franchise does not have an extended cut available. When the Ultimate Editions were announced in 2009, it was said that they would include the theatrical and extended version of the films. This is true for the two first movies but for reasons unknown they didn't continue with this for the rest of the series.
Be sure to check out the Deleted & Unreleased Scenes from Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban as well.
Quidditch World Cup
Hermione Waking Harry at the Burrow
This shot of Hermione waking Harry at the Burrow is not featured in the film. It instead cuts to a shot of Harry as he wakes from the nightmare.
Amos on how Cedric beat Harry at Quidditch
The script features Amos Diggory bragging about how Cedric beat Harry at Quidditch the year before. Cedric is modest and reminds his father that Harry fell off his broom. Amos, however, insists the best man won.
Hermione comments on Krums flying
As the Quidditch players fly onto the pitch for the Quidditch World Cup Final, Hermione remarks that Viktor Krum flies rather well. This amuses the boys as Hermione is known for not being interested in Quidditch.
The Roberts family being tortured
A shot of the Roberts family being tortured by the Death Eaters is featured in the trailer. The Roberts were muggles who owned a cottage at the front of Quidditch World Cup Camp.
The Unforgivable Curses
Students Sing the Hogwarts Hymn
This deleted scene shows the Hogwarts Students sing the Hogwarts Hymn to welcome the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, however, they do not seem impressed by the song.
Krum eating next to Malfoy
At the Start-of-Term feast, Harry watches Cho Chang talk with Fleur Delacour at the Ravenclaw table. Ron, however, stares at Krum and marvels at his brilliance. Hermione frowns and explains that Durmstrang puts a lot of emphasis on the Dark Arts. From a Behind-the-Scenes documentary, we see that Krum and Malfoy have a toast before eating.
Harry and Hermione talking before DADA
From some movie stills, we see that Harry and Hermione were supposed to talk with each other before Mad-Eye Moody’s first Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
Moody entering the classroom
A shot of Mad-Eye Moody entering the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is featured in the International Trailer. In the script, we find that he starts the class by dropping the textbook on Neville’s desk and says it will make a good doorstop.
Constant Vigilance
From a Behind-the-Scenes documentary found on the DVD Extras, we hear Moody say his famous “Constant Vigilance” line. This scene is also found in the script where it is extended. After asking about the Unforgivable Curses, Moody reveals that he has done background checks on the entire class. He calls Hermione out for being top of the class, naturally inquisitive, socially inept and Muggle born.
The Champions Selection
The Beauxbatons put their names in the Goblet
Before the Triwizard Champions are selected, rumours that the Beauxbatons have not entered a single student to the tournament and have travelled home are starting to circulate through the Great Hall. But suddenly the Beauxbaton girls enter and put their names in the Goblet of Fire. The crowd whistles and cheers at the sight of them. Ron is delighted and says “I love it when they do that”. This line is found in the International Trailer.
Rita Skeeter Interview and Crouch in the Trophy Room
In the script, the scene where Rita Skeeter interviews Harry is extended. Dumbledore enters the broom cupboard and says to Rita he is doing well for a “dusty old dingbat”, referring to an article written by her. Dumbledore leads Harry to the Trophy Room where Barty Crouch tells the Triwizard Champions that they will not be told what tasks await them. The only weapons they have are their wands and wits, and as he leaves he wishes them luck on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. When Crouch is out of earshot, Rita tells her photographer that Barty is mad as a Hatter these days.
The Weighing of the Wands
John Hurt revealed in an interview with Empire magazine that he would reprise his role as Ollivander in the fourth film. In the book, Ollivander is featured in the Wand Weighing ceremony. At the ceremony, he examines the wands of the Triwizard Champions to ensure that they are functioning properly for the three tasks. However, this scene is not featured in the film.
John Hurt, who portrayed Mr. Ollivander in the first film “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, is set to return in the fourth film “Goblet of Fire”. In an interview with Empire magazine, Mr Hurt says:
“I’m in four, not three. I was going to turn it down, but I was told by my girlfriend and my agent that if I didn’t do it, my children would never speak to me.”
This was reported by The Leaky Cauldron
Sirius and Harry’s Conversation
Sirius and Harry’s conversation is quite different in the script to how it is in the film. In the movie, they talk a lot about Harry’s dream of Voldemort. In the script, this is swapped with them talking about James and how sneaking his way into a tournament would be something he would do. The line “You’re the Boy Who Lived” by Sirius Black made it into the trailer, but not into the film.
Harry and Hermione in the Library
Harry are with Hermione in the Library the day before the first task. They are trying to figure out how Harry is to defeat the dragon. Hermione gets irritated at a group of girls spying on Krum and Harry overhears Draco reading the Rita Skeeter interview aloud to his friends. Hermione whacks one of her books at Harry unknowingly. She uses Accio to pick it up again and gets the idea that Harry could use this in the first task.
The First Task
Fred and George’s Gambling Booth
Before the First Task, Fred and George accepted bets on the outcome of the task. They said there were good odds on Krum surviving and the odds of Harry dying is 10:1. Hermione pops George’s arm disappointingly, but George responds that they will cut Harry in on the deal (if he survives).
Rita Skeeter’s Silly Girl Line
From a behind-the-scenes documentary, we find a line from Rita Skeeter that is not included in the movie. This is also found in the script. Rita calls Hermione a silly girl and threatens her. This could be an explanation to why Rita Skeeter writes lies about Hermione in the Daily Prophet after the first task.
Krum holding the Golden Egg
At the Welcome to the Magical School II Convention, Stanislav Janevski (Viktor Krum) was interviewed by La Gazette Du Sorcier. They asked him about the photo of Viktor Krum lifting the golden egg.
GdS: A photo of Viktor Krum holding the golden egg of the First Task has been revealed, although this scene has never been incorporated into the films. What was it ?
Stan never shot the entire scene of his fight against the Chinese Blaster. However, Mike Newell initially planned to show a shot of each of the victorious champions wielding the egg stolen from the dragon. It is from this moment of the shooting that the photo is taken: Stan just had to grab the egg. We can therefore imagine that such images also exist with Robert Pattinson and Clémence Poésy to illustrate the success of the other two champions.
You can read the article where they interview Katie Leung, Jason Isaacs and Stanislav Janevski here.
Dragon Chase through a Forest
In this behind-the-scenes clip, we hear Mike Newell talk about how he could not get the Dragon Chase right. He wanted the dragon to follow Harry through a forest and burn it down. Jim Mitchell, the visual effects supervisor, came up with the idea to have the dragon chase Harry around Hogwarts. Mike Newell agreed and thought it was a wonderful idea.
Yule Ball
Hermione and Krum rumours
The start of this scene is in the movie, but it is continued in the script. Ron remarks that Krum and Hermione would not be a good match because he is famous. Hermione reminds Ron that her best friend is Harry Potter, who is one of the most famous to ever live.
Professor McGonagall’s Yule Ball Explanation
This scene takes place in the Great Hall before the Gryffindor’s have the dance practice. Professor McGonagall wants to have a word with Harry about the Yule Ball. She explains that the tradition is for the Champions to be the first to dance. Harry, a little shocked, asks if he has to dance with a girl. To this, McGonagall says she does not care if he brings a girl or a boy as long as he behaves admirably. The scene ends with Seamus Finnigan throwing a custard pie at Dean Thomas, which Professor McGonagall is not pleased with.
Extended Gryffindor Dance Practice
They cut a scene where the Gryffindor students dance with each other at the dance practice with Professor McGonagall, as seen in this picture.
The Unexpected Task Montage
A montage of students getting dates for the Yule Ball starts after the dance practice with Professor McGonagall. Some of the scenes in the montage is cut from the film, like the female hands passing a note under some desks.
Durmstrang Dating Etiquette
This deleted scene shows a trio of Durmstrang students who meets a trio of Hogwarts students. One of the students from Durmstrang asks one of the girls from Hogwarts if she is interested to go to the Yule Ball with him. She says yes after consolidating with her friends. As the Durmstrang students walk away, we see them congratulate the guy who got a date.
Harry Misses Cho
This deleted scene shows Harry trying to ask Cho to go to the ball with him. Harry notices her reading a textbook by the spiral staircase. However, before he has the chance to ask her out, she is swept away by her friends.
Harry Opening the Golden Egg in the Dormitory
The montage features a cut scene where Harry opened the golden egg at night to try to solve its mystery. However, he only managed to wake the other boys with the shrieking sound from the egg.
Montage Ends
The montage ends with some scenes not featured in the film. Harry is on his way to ask out Cho but bumps into an older boy who easily chats up a girl with bangs. In embarrassment, he runs into Karkaroff and we get the reveal that Moody is following him around.
The script also features a scene where Ron stares in awe at the Fleur and the Beauxbatons girls walking past him.
Hermione asks Harry about the Egg
After being rejected by Cho Chang, Harry lays in the Gryffindor Common Room with the Golden Egg. Hermione asks him if he has made any progress on the egg, to which he lies that he has nearly figured it out. This is followed by the reveal that Ron asked Fleur Delacour to the Ball.
Harry Dancing with Hermione
This picture shows that they filmed a scene of Harry and Hermione dancing together at the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball Band Extended
This deleted scene is an extended version of the Yule Ball Band. The scene starts with Professor Flitwick announcing the band before he ends up surfing the crowd. This scene shows the band play the whole song "Do the Hippogriff", while in the theatrical cut it is shortened.
Karkaroff and Snape at the Yule Ball
This deleted scene shows Harry going out in the Courtyard to get some fresh air. He encounters some students who are making out. As he walks away from them he hears Karkaroff and Snape arguing. As they talk, Snape comes across two students making out in a carriage and punishes them by removing ten points from each of their houses. Karkaroff talks about a sign and he wonders if Snape is scared. Snape denies this but wonders if Karkaroff can say the same. At the end of the scene, we see Moody limping away, having also overheard the conversation.
Krum and Hermione Kiss
In an interview with Joepie, a Dutch teen magazine, Emma Watson was asked who she would like to do a kissing-scene with. Emma answered that she would like to do a scene with Brad Pitt. In the interview, she also revealed that Hermione kisses Viktor Krum in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Q.: With who you like to play a kissing-scene?
Emma: With Brad Pitt! I love him! To bad he's to old to play a wizard student. (sigh)
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire I have to kiss Viktor Krum. That part would be perfect for Brad Pitt if you ask me but... I've met the person who's gonna be Viktor and he seems okay. There isn't gonna be sparkle like with Brad! (laugh) He is really a sweetheart! And I know now cause I've met him.
Source: Beyond Hogwarts
The Second Task
Cedric and Cho at the Wooden Bridge
Cedric guides Harry to use the Prefects Bathroom to solve the mystery of the Golden Egg after the Yule Ball. In this scene, Cho Chang is not present (or hidden in the background). It is possible that they filmed some shots of her arriving with Cedric and of her watching Harry and Cedric discussing the Golden Egg, as seen in these pictures.
Harry entering the Prefects Bathroom
A scene of Harry entering the Prefects Bathroom in his dressing-gown while holding the Golden Egg and the Marauder’s Map is not featured in the film. There it cuts directly to Harry in the pool.
Rita Skeeter Interviewing Mad-Eye Moody
From this picture found in the Harry Potter Page to Screen book, we see that Rita Skeeter interviewed Mad-Eye Moody during the Second Task.
Fleur coming out of the water
We get to see Fleur Delacour attacked by the Grindylows during the second task, but that is the last we see of her before the task is over. However, this Behind-the-scenes footage shows us that they filmed her ascending to the surface.
Trio in a boat after the Second Task
This shot of the trio arriving back to shore in a boat after the second task got cut from the film.
Mad-Eye Warns Harry Extended
This deleted scene is an extended version of the scene where Mad-Eye talks to Barty Crouch about him trying to lure Harry into Ministry's summer internships. In this scene, Barty recognises the tung twisting of his son in Mad-Eye and becomes suspicious. After this, Moody guides Harry to the side to tell him that he needs to grow up fast and not try to play the hero anymore. He says they will encounter much worse than mermaids ahead.
Debating Crouch’s Murder and Clues
This deleted scene takes place in the Gryffindor Common Room where Harry, Ron and Hermione discuss the murder of Barty Crouch. Ron explained that Fudge will cover the story up because the murder of a Ministry official happened at Hogwarts. Hermione says that it can't be coincidences that Harry has this dream, the Dark Mark being cast, his name coming out of the Goblet of Fire and now a murder at the Hogwarts Grounds. She says this is bigger than surviving the Triwizard Tournament. The scene ends with Ron and Hermione telling Harry to go and speak with Dumbledore.
Harry and Dumbledore’s Pensive Discussion
In the movie, Harry and Dumbledore talk a bit about how it killed Barty Crouch to send his son to Azkaban and they talk about Harry’s dream.
In the script, the dialogue is quite different. There they talk about how both Crouch Junior and Senior had a talent for tragedy. It is revealed that Dumbledore wants to cancel the Triwizard Tournament because Harry is in danger and the headmaster doesn’t know where it’s coming from. Harry wants answers about his dream about Voldemort, but Dumbledore dodges the question and says that there are no more easy answers. Before Harry leaves, we get some information on Neville’s parents.
Some of the lines from the script were filmed, as seen in the BTS clips below.
Investigating Snape and Karkaroff
This deleted scene takes place after Snape accuses Harry of sealing potions ingredients from his personal stores. It takes place on the Wooden Bridge and Ron asks if Harry saw what Karkaroff had on his arm, but Harry says he didn't. Hermione questions Harry if Snape really had asked if he had stolen boomslang skin and lacewing flies. Harry confirms this and Hermione explains that Snape thinks they are brewing Polyjuice Potion.
The Third Task and the Graveyard
Fleur Delacour after being rescued from the Maze
This picture shows Fleur Delacour sitting with her Beauxbaton students after being rescued from the maze during the third task. We do not see this in the film.
Voldemort Testing His New Body
From the Behind-the-Scenes clips below, we see Ralph Fiennes trying out different reactions for Voldemort as he is testing his reborn body. These got cut from the final film.
Voldemort Torturing Avery
In the script, we can read that Voldemort tortures Avery for asking the Dark Lord to forgive the Death Eaters for not looking for him after his downfall.
The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away
From this behind-the-scenes clip, we hear Ralph Fiennes saying the line “the Lord giveth… and the Lord taketh away” in response to giving Wormtail his silver hand. He then clarifies that it is a Muggle saying he finds amusing.
Professor McGonagall reaction to seeing Cedric’s corpse
This deleted shot of Professor McGonagall reacting to Cedric’s dead body is found in the trailer.
Moody and Harry after the Third Task
There was some deleted dialogue from the conversation between Harry and Moody after the third task. Harry talks about how Krum was attacked and controlled by the Imperius Curse. Harry remembers Moody’s catchline as he reveals that he was the one to bewitch the cup; Constant Vigilance.
Rita Skeeter after the Third Task
Dumbledore leads Harry away from the Defense Against the Dark Arts Office after discovering that Barty Crouch Jr. had disguised himself as Mad-Eye Moody the whole time. The headmaster apologises to Harry for putting him in peril, but suddenly, Rita Skeeter comes out of know where and asks for a word with Dumbledore. He answers sassily with Goodbye.
Priori Incantatem Explenation
From these movie stills, we see Harry and Dumbledore talking outside on the battlements. Dumbledore explains Priori Incantatem, the strange phenomena that caused Harry and Voldemort’s wand to connect. The headmaster tells Harry that very few will believe that Voldemort is back. However, he still has to tell the story because it is true.
In the movie, this scene takes place in the Gryffindor dormitory and it’s set after Cedric’s memorial service.
The Parting of the Ways
Hermione leaning on Harry’s shoulder
This picture shows Hermione leaning on Harry’s shoulder during Cedric’s memorial service, something that is not included in the movie.
Harry, Ron and Hermione Holding Hands
Here we see Harry, Ron and Hermione standing at the boathouse staircase holding hands. They are watching the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang students leave Hogwarts. This is the last scene of the movie, however, we only see this shot from the back.
Alternate Waterfall Ending
They filmed an alternate ending taking place by a waterfall, as revealed by the photos below. It looks like Harry is sitting alone, grieving Cedric’s death, when he is approached by Ron and Hermione. They walk up to him and convince him to go back with them. The scene ends with the trio holding around each other while walking away. This scene was also featured in the video game.

That was every deleted and unreleased scene from the Goblet of Fire movie. What scenes do you think they should not have left out of the film? If I have missed any scenes, feel free to share them in the comment section or contact me to let me know.