Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was released in cinemas in 2007. It is the shortest Harry Potter film at 2 hours and 18 minutes, despite being adapted from the largest book in the series. The movie was directed by David Yates and the screenplay was written by Michael Goldberg.
In an interview with Empire Magazine the director David Yates said; “The book’s huge, but it actually distils quite easily… That said, I’ve shot a movie that’s probably over three hours, so I’ll have to lose 45 minutes in the edit”. The deleted scenes found on the DVD and Blu-ray is 11 minutes in total, meaning that there are over 30 minutes of unreleased footage from the film.
In this post, we are going through the deleted and unreleased scenes from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That includes the deleted scenes found on the home media releases, clips from behind the scenes documentaries and trailers, as well as scenes from the script.
If you want to learn about the deleted and unreleased scenes from the other movies, you can click here
Dudley Demented and Grimmauld Place
Dudley’s Gang Dialogue
Harry is looking through a newspaper when he hears Malcolm and Piers talk about someone they bullied.
Dudley Puking
After his meeting with the Dementors, Dudley becomes sick and here we see him throw up in one of Petunia’s plants.
Sirius Black Welcomes Harry to Grimmauld Place
In this clip, we can hear that Sirius greats Harry by saying «What, no hello for me?». In the movie, this is dubbed over and replaced with Sirius saying «Harry Potter».
Cut Dialogue from the Grimmauld Place Kitchen
Sirius’ line «It’s a set-up. A chance to publicly discredit Harry» and Lupin responds; «I’m afraid you may be right, Padfoot…» can be heard in this B-roll footage.
End of the scene at Grimmauld Place Kitchen
In the script, we can read that Lupin says that Harry can’t join the Order because he is not an adult yet. However, he admits that if things continue going in Voldemort’s favour, he may soon get his chance.
Percy talks at the Hearing
Percy is the Court Scribe during Harry’s trial. We can see him in the film writing down what is said during the trial, but he does not speak any lines. In the script, however, he was supposed to whisper a question to Fudge.
Cut Sirius Black Dialogue at the Train Station
From this B-roll footage, we can see the filming of Sirius and Harry’s conversation at the train station. In this clip, we get to hear a cut line from Sirius. Harry says he doesn’t want to see Sirius cucked back into Azkaban. Sirius responds with: «Being trapped in that house day and night is almost as bad. The worst part about being a fugitive is how bloody booring it is… I take it back. The worst part is people believing everything they read in the papers…»
In a clip from the DVD trailer, we can hear Sirus say the line “Like the calm before a storm” after Harry asks him if he thinks there is going to be a war.
Extended Luna introduction
Luna Lovegood’s introduction is longer in the script. She does not know who Neville is, who answers he is a nobody. To this Hermione quickly turns to Neville and says that it’s not true.
Professor Umbridge
Professor Trelawney Eating in the Great Hall
This deleted scene shows Professor Trelawney comically eating in the Great Hall during Professor Umbridge's speech. Professor Trelawney makes a mess of her meal and she seems to be oblivious of her mistakes.
Umbridge extended speech
Some lines from Umbridge’s speech at the Welcome Feast was cut. The lines are not important and only reaffirm her wishes to change the school.
Hermione's cut lines during Welcome Feast
Hermione’s cut lines during the Welcome Feast can be heard in the B-roll clip. She says «There was important stuff hidden in that waffle. Progress must be discouraged? Prune practices that out to be prohibited?»
What Neville Heard about the Daily Prophet
This deleted scene takes place after Seamus Finnigan confronts Harry about what he and his mother think about him and Dumbledore. Neville backs Harry and says that it is the Daily Prophet that's rubbish.
Umbridge’s Class Introduction
A line from Umbridge’s introduction to the DADA class was cut. The line is: «It is not an understatement to say your fifth-year examinations will in many respects determine your futures».
Hermione questions Umbridge
Hermione questions the Ministry of Magic’s approach to the DADA curriculum. According to Umbridge, cleverer and older wizards than her have devised the new program of study.
Dialogue at the start of detention
As Harry enters Professor Umbridge’s office for his detention, he is surprised at how much it has changed. He also tells Umbridge that he is in detention because he talked back to a teacher and told the truth. However, Umbridge boldly claims that she’ll decide what the truth is.
The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Students in Gryffindor Common Room (Extended)
This deleted scene is an extended scene and shows us the Gryffindor students relaxing in the Common Room in the evening. Neville fiddles with his Mimbulus Mimbletonia while Seamus is playing cards.
Start of Umbridge and McGonagall discussion
From this behind-the-scenes clip, we see that the discussion between Umbridge and McGonagall that takes place in the Entrance Hall started in the Courtyard. In the movie, we only hear their conversation off-screen before the trio exits the Great Hall.
Lucius Malfoy in his Manor with dogs
This was supposed to be featured in the newspaper montage when Umbridge becomes the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. The headline of the article was “Parents Endorse Ministry Move” and Lucius would say that he believes that the Ministry always does what’s best for everyone.
Professor Umbridge Evaluates Professor Trelawney (Extended)
This deleted scene is an extended version of the scene where Umbridge evaluates Professor Trelawney.
Professor Umbridge Evaluates Professor Snape (Extended)
The iconic scene where Professor Umbridge evaluates how Professor Snape teaches was supposed to be longer. Harry was supposed to laugh with Ron. In addition, Umbridge demands to know why Dumbledore refuses to appoint Snape as the Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Extended conversation between Sirius and the trio
In the script, we hear the announcer on the radio say that there are an increasing amount of disappearances. When Sirius asks whether Umbridge is training them to kill half-breeds, Hermione says she remembers reading that Umbridge loathes half-humans. This sets up her comments to the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest later in the movie. Sirius also tells Harry that James would have rebelled against the likes of Umbridge.
Dumbledore's Army
People entering the Hog’s Head
They filmed a scene of people entering the Hog’s Head before the meeting.
Dumbledore’s Army and the Order of the Phoenix comparison
When Dumbledore’s Army is formed in the Hogs Head their position reminds Harry of the original Order of the Phoenix photo that Sirius gave to him. Harry then mirrors Sirius’ words by saying “We’re the young ones now”.
Start of the first DA meeting
At the start of the first DA meeting, Harry think they should start by learning Expelliarmus. Michael Corner, who is named “Slightly Creepy Boy” in the script, questions whether this is a bit too basic to learn. Harry responds by saying that it saved it life last year, and the group looks impressed.
Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle Bullying
In this deleted scene we see Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle bully a Ravenclaw student while Professor Umbridge and Filch watches. Umbridge decides she wants them in the Inquisitorial Squad.
Sirius and Harry’s goodbye
Some lines of dialogue got cut between Harry and Sirius as they say goodbye at Grimmauld Place.
Umbridge talks to Hagrid
After Hagrid arrives back at Hogwarts, Umbridge visits him to inform him that she is the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts and that she is going to evaluate his teaching. Some of the cut dialogue showcases her ignorance towards those who are half-breeds.
Extended conversation between Hagrid and trio
The scene where the trio asks Hagrid what he has been up to is longer in the script. Hagrid doesn’t want to reveal anything, but Ron brings up that if any one of them looked beat up Hagrid would have demanded to know what had happened. We also get more descriptions of the giants.
Neville hinting at St Mungo’s scene
In the script, there is a line that we do not hear in the film. When Neville tells Harry about how Bellatrix tortured his parents, he says “They’ve been... like you saw... ever since”. This is a reference to the chapter in the book where Harry sees Neville’s parents at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. We know that they did not film any scenes set at St Mungo’s, so the line had to be cut.
Nigel uses the Marauders Map
In the DA class where they learn about patronuses, Umbridge discovers their secret location. In the script, we can read that Nigel was supposed to notify Harry that Umbridge, Filtch and the Inquisitorial Squad are outside the Room of Requirement. Harry then suddenly realizes that Cho is not there with them.
Umbridge replaces Dumbledore Announcement
Someone announcing that Umbridge is replacing Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts can be heard in the clip below. This is taken from a trailer to the film, so it is unsure whether this was made specifically for the trailer or if this was supposed to be included in the film at some point.
Dumbledore’s Army in the Common Room
From the images below, we can see that the Gryffindor’s from the DA are all gathered in the Common Room. It looks like Harry enters the Common Room, but not much is known of this scene and it is not featured in the script. My guess is that they disband the DA in this scene as everyone looks dejected.

Snape's Worst Memory
The trio meets Grawp
The scene where the trio meets Grawp is longer in the script. Here we can read that Hagrid had to bring Grawp with him because the other giants were bullying him. He also gives a brief explanation to what his mother did after she left him and his dad. At the end, Hagrid has to admit that it is Grawp who has caused him the injures.
Snape’s worst memory
One of the most famous scenes from the book got cut from the film. However, we know that they did film this scene in its entirety. As you can see from the picture and read from the script, Lily was present in this scene and Snape does call her a mudblood when she offers to help him.
Filch Blow Out Professor Umbridge’s Hair
This deleted scene takes place after Fred and George Weasley send fireworks at Professor Umbridge. As Fred and George leave the school, Filch and Umbridge stand outside the Great Hall with all the destroyed proclamations. Filch tries to blow away the smoke from Umbridge's hair.
Umbridge reveals she sent the dementors
In the scene where Harry gets caught by Umbridge for trying to communicate with Sirius, some very important dialogue was cut. The film originally had Umbridge reveal to Harry that it was her who sent the dementors to attack him in the summer.
Harry, Hermione and Professor Umbridge in the Forbidden Forest (Extended)
This deleted scene is an extended version of the scene where Harry and Hermione take Professor Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest to show her "Dumbledore's secret". In the extended scene, we get to see more of Umbridge's reaction and how far she is willing to go to punish those who do not follow the rules.
Bane wants to attack Harry and Hermione
In the film we see the centaurs attack Umbridge. In the script, however, we can read that they also wanted to attack Harry and Hermione. Bane draws his bow on them, but Magorian tells him to lower it because they are young and innocent.
Hall of Prophecies
DA stares in awe at the atrium fountain
They filmed a scene where the group stares in awe at the atrium fountain. In the movie, this scene is replaced by them sprinting through the atrium.
“Leave Voldemort to me”
As the group enters the Department of Mysteries, Harry takes the lead and creates a plan, but Hermione is worried about Voldemort. Harry answers by saying “Leave Voldemort to me”.
Harry stresses out when they don’t find Sirius
When they are in the Hall of Prophecies, Harry starts to freak out when they are unable to locate Sirius. Hermione mentions that Voldemort might have tricked him, something Harry refuses to believe.
Neville disarms Bellatrix
In the script, we can read that Neville manages to disarm Bellatrix in the Halls of Prophecies. This nearly leads to an attack from the Death Eaters, which Lucius Malfoy stops.
Extended scene of Luna fighting Death Eaters
The six members of the DA split up when they are running from the Death Eaters. In the movie we see Luna get knocked down by a Death Eater, before blasting him off with a spell. This scene is extended in the script. Here we can read that Luna encounters another Death Eater that sends a jet of fire towards her. It narrowly misses and instead hits the Death Eater behind her. This creates a diversion for her to escape.
Ron rescues Hermione
A scene where Hermione is levitated by a Death Eater was cut from the film. While Hermione is floating in the air she pleads for Ron to help her out. He stuns the Death Eater, and manages to catch Hermione in his arms. This would have been a romantic moment as the script says Hermione is seeing him with new eyes.
“This isn’t like school”
Ginny had a cut line right after blasting the shelves in the Hall of Prophecies with Reducto, where she says “This isn’t like being in school”. This is a callback to what Harry said to the group in the Hog’s Head.
Harry rescues Ginny
As the shelves in the Hall of Prophecies are falling down and the DA members are running for their lives, Ginny trips and is nearly engulfed by the wave of falling prophecies. Harry manages to help her up and carry her towards the door that leads to the Atrium.
Brain Room
In 2009 Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom, revealed in an interview with the LA Times that they filmed a scene in the Brain Room. It is unsure exactly where this scene would have been placed, as it is not included in the script.
There was some stuff that we got to do that was cut out, which is always a shame. Remember in the “Order of the Phoenix,” the big battle at the end in the Ministry of Magic? We shot a lot that wasn’t included in the film. The room with the brains in it I was kind of looking forward to seeing
The full interview can be read here.
The Department of Mysteries
Lucius wants to kill the spares
Lucius gets the prophecy from Harry by threatening to kill his friends. In the script, the line “Kill the spares” is written. This is a clear callback to Voldemort’s line before killing Cedric Diggory. Ron and Hermione then take a last look at each other, Luna and Ginny hold hands, while Neville braces himself to be killed by Bellatrix.
Sirius and Harry’s talk during the battle
After having punched Lucius Malfoy in the face, Sirius and Harry get a moment to talk while spells are blasted around them. Harry tries to explain that he saw him being tortured, and Sirius says he knows and that it’s alright. Sirius wants Harry to get out of the Ministry with the other DA members, but Harry refuses as he doesn’t want to lose his godfather again. Sirius then takes a moment to explain that he can’t bear to lose his godson, as Harry is the only good thing he has left in his life. In the end, Harry is persuaded to go to his friends and lead them out of there.
The duel between Sirius and Bellatrix
In the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts special on HBO Max, Gary Oldman and Helena Bonham Carter talk about a duel that they filmed that got cut from the film. In the video below, I have compiled all the small clips from the many behind the scenes documentaries and videos to try and showcase the duel between Sirius and Bellatrix.
In the script, we can also read that Sirius was duelling Lucius Malfoy before his confrontation with Bellatrix. Sirius wins the duel with Bellatrix when he blasts her away with a crackling electric bolt. Then Sirius is attacked by both Malfoy and Dolohov and struggles to defend himself against the two Death Eaters. Harry, who has been leading the other DA members out of the Atrium, can’t take it anymore and rushes back to help Sirius. This leads to the duel where Sirius is killed.
Harry wants to hurt Bellatrix
Voldemort tries to make harry hurt Bellatrix by using the Cruciatus curse. In some cut lines of dialogue, Bellatrix pleads to Voldemort that she did everything she could to get the prophecy, but was hindered by Sirius. Voldemort doesn’t care about her excuses and says she should stay quiet. Dumbledore appears just as Harry is about to torture Bellatrix.
Voldemort’s talks to Harry about love
A good amount of dialogue between Voldemort and Harry was cut from the film. Voldemort tells Harry that Dumbledore has lied to him about love and that it doesn’t exist. He also tells Harry that he is just a pawn in Dumbledore’s chess game against him.
Dumbledore: “Don’t fight him Harry. You can’t win”
We can hear Dumbledore’s line “Don’t fight him Harry. You can’t win” in the clip below. This is taken from the International Trailer for the movie.
Order of the Phoenix witnessing Harry’s possession
As seen by this picture, the members of the Order of the Phoenix are present in the Entrance Hall when Harry gets possessed by Voldemort.
Extended scene of Voldemort possessing Harry
Some part of the possession was cut from the film. The cut scene shows us Dumbledore’s face half in shadow and half in light, showing us that Harry now has regained some control over Voldemort. He hears Sirius’ voice and sees him and James, but suddenly his vision changes to a young Lily Potter. She says “Why do you hate him so?”, which is a line from Snape’s worst memory, but in this context is directed towards Harry’s thoughts on Voldemort. Then Harry nearly passes out as he hears parts of the prophecy.
The Lost Prophecy
Lucius Malfoy in Azkaban and Draco’s reaction
In the newspaper montage at the end of the movie, we were meant to see Lucius Malfoy put in Azkaban and see Draco’s reaction to the news.
McGonagall in wheelchair
In the same montage, a cut part would have included McGonagall telling people to remain vigilant and to follow the new Ministry guidelines. The scene would then cut to McGonagall sitting in a wheelchair with Hagrid standing by her side. This is definitely meant to be the aftermath of the attack she and Hagrid suffered during the Astronomy Exam in the book. We know they filmed this scene because of the photos that have been released. The strange thing is that the attack is not included in the shooting script. I believe they have must have filmed the attack as well, since they shot this scene of McGonagall and Hagrid recovering from it.

Harry mourns Sirius’ death
From this picture and set reports, we know that they filmed a scene where Harry is mourning Sirius’ death by skipping stones by the lake.
Harry Packs and Talks with Ron
This deleted scene shows us Harry packing his trunk. Ron joins him and says the feast is about to start. However, Harry is not in the mood after the death of Sirius. Ron wants to support Harry and says he isn't hungry either. Harry is thankful but wants Ron to go to the feast.
Harry Enters Professor Dumbledore’s Office
This deleted scene shows Harry entering Professor Dumbledore's office. He wants to talk to Dumbledore after everything that happened at the Ministry of Magic.
Extended conversation between Harry and Dumbledore
The conversation between Harry and Dumbledore is extended in the script. Dumbledore tells Harry that everything is his fault and that he should have been more open and honest with him. “An old man’s mistake” as Dumbledore puts it. Harry then realises that Dumbledore is not as all-knowing and powerful as he thought, and sees him as an old man for the first time. At the end of their conversation, Dumbledore says that he acted just as Voldemort expects fools who love to act. This makes Harry lose some of his tension and he starts to tear up.
That was every deleted and unreleased scene from the Order of the Pheonix movie. What scenes do you wish they hadn’t cut? If I have missed any scenes, feel free to share them in the comment section or contact me to let me know.