Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was released in cinemas in 2010. The film has a runtime of 2 hours and 26 minutes (146 minutes) and serves as the penultimate installment in the Harry Potter series.
In this post, we are exploring the deleted and unreleased scenes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. This includes deleted scenes available on the home media releases, clips from behind-the-scenes documentaries and trailers, as well as scenes from the script that didn't make it into the final cut.
If you want to learn about the deleted and unreleased scenes from the other movies, you can click here.
The Dark Lord Ascending
Extended scene of Hermione leaving her parents
Hermione's getting ready to leave her parents to protect them from the dangers of the Wizarding World. The parts that were cut show her looking at her mom's shadow and a shadow from a tree that are described as strangely beautiful. There's a cozy moment where her parents comment on sugar-free biscuits and call her kitten, and right after that, Hermione sadly says "Goodbye" and casts the memory-wiping spell, vanishing from family photos.
The Burrow’s Shed
In the scene, Ron joins Arthur Weasley in a shed at the Burrow, where Arthur is tinkering with a radio. This device is meant for the Order of the Phoenix, designed to keep the members connected during a time when many of them are fugitives.
The Dursley House
In this deleted scene, Harry encounters his aunt Petunia in the empty living room of the Dursley household. Petunia reflects on the twenty years she's spent in the home, now forced to leave in haste because of the danger they're in. Harry reminds her of the torture they face if they remain and Petunia reveals a rare moment of vulnerability, saying that Harry did not just lose a mother that night in Godric’s Hollow - she also lost a sister. The script continues with Harry asking if Petunia has magic, to which she responds bitterly.
Dudley’s Redemption
In the deleted scene, we see Vernon and Dudley Dursley getting ready to leave their home for the last time. Vernon mentions it's their final goodbye, and Dudley wonders why Harry isn't coming with them. Vernon dismisses the idea, suggesting Harry prefers to stay behind. Harry calls himself a waste of space, a remark that Vernon might agree with. However, Dudley steps up, offering Harry a handshake and sincerely telling him he doesn't view him as a waste of space at all. This scene marks a significant shift in Dudley's character, showing he's grown beyond his family's disdain for Harry. The filmmakers, including producer David Hayman and director David Yates, decided to cut this scene to maintain a darker, more urgent tone at the start of the film.
Narcissa dialogue at Malfoy Manor
In this behind-the-scenes clip, we learn that Voldemort senses Lucius Malfoy is burdened by his presence. Meanwhile Narcissa Malfoy chimes in, assuring Voldemort he's always welcome.
Bellatrix offering her wand
In this clip, we see that Bellatrix offers her wand to Voldemort, but he declines it.
Lucius wants Voldemort's wand
In this scene, Voldemort checks out the wand that Lucius gave him. When Voldemort spots Lucius looking at his own wand, he asks if Lucius thinks he’d actually give it to him. Lucius is left speechless for a moment, then quietly says no.
The Seven Potters
Dragon Fire Fuel
In this scene, Harry and Hagrid are flying in the night sky on Hagrid's motorbike when they are ambushed by Death Eaters. Hagrid hits a purple button on the bike that unleashes a blast of dragon fire from the bike's exhaust, throwing the Death Eaters off balance and setting their robes on fire as they spiral down through the air.
Hagrid asking for brandy "for medical purposes"
Hagrid's cut dialogue includes him asking Molly for brandy, saying it's for "medicinal purposes." It's a subtle nod to his struggle with drinking, suggesting he's seeking comfort in alcohol during stressful times.
Lupin reveals who cursed George
After making sure that Harry is indeed the real Harry, Lupin reveals that it was Snape that cursed George during the Battle of the Seven Potters.
Harry’s loyalty speech
In this scene, the group has just learned of Mad-Eye's death. Lupin shares that Mad-Eye thought Voldemort would expect the real Harry to be with the most skilled Auror. Arthur Weasley points out that it doesn't explain how the Death Eaters knew they were moving Harry that night. As suspicion rises, Hagrid insists it wasn't any of them and admits he talks in his sleep, but only nonsensical things. Harry then firmly declares his trust in everyone present.
Ollivander and Voldemort
In Harry's dream, he witnesses Voldemort confronting Ollivander about the failure of Lucius Malfoy's. He holds up the pieces of Lucius Malfoy's shattered wand, demanding an explanation for its failure. Ollivander desperately says he'll think of another solution, to which Voldemort ominously warns him to find one, or else he'll be less forgiving next time.
Harry leaving the Burrow
In this scene, Ron jokes that his mom has been so focused on the wedding that it's the only thing keeping her going and that she'd kill him if he missed it, even suggesting he'd rather face Voldemort than his mother's wrath. Harry, however, is serious, stressing that they need to start searching for the Horcruxes as it's their only chance to defeat Voldemort.
Trio outside the Burrow
In the behind-the-scenes clip, the trio appears outside the Burrow, perhaps following the scene where Ron catches Harry attempting to sneak off. Since the script doesn't include this scene, the specifics of their conversation is unknown.
Harry and Ginny scene extended
Ginny confronts Harry, asking if he was going to inform her about his decision not to return to Hogwarts. Harry admits that he had planned to tell her. Ginny inquires if Ron and Hermione will also not be returning to Hogwarts, to which Harry doesn't directly answer but implies they all have an important job to do.
Rufus Scrimgeour extended scene
In the script the scene with Rufus Scrimgeour is longer. He interrogates the trio about their connections to Dumbledore. He questions Ron about his closeness to the late headmaster, and Ron responds that he was just another student to Dumbledore. Hermione characterizes their relationship as friendly but not close. Scrimgeour is skeptical, bringing up the fact that despite their claims of not being close to Dumbledore, he included them in his will, leaving personal items to each.
In the B-roll footage we can hear a bit of Harry and Scrimgeour’s conversation. Scrimgeour admits he won't pretend to be Harry's friend but assures him he's not his enemy either. Harry skeptically responds that it's becoming difficult to distinguish friends from foes. Scrimgeour recalls Dumbledore saying something similar during their last conversation. Hermione asks where his guard is. The Minister reveals he came alone, implying he no longer needs protection.
The Wedding
Arthur welcoming the Delacours
In this clip, we can see Arthur Weasley welcome Fleur Delacour’s parents to the wedding
Lupin asking Harry to be Teddy's godfather
In this scene, Tonks whispers to Mrs. Weasley that she is pregnant. Lupin asks Harry to be the godfather of their soon-to-be-born child. Surprised and honored, Harry hesitates, unsure of what to say. Lupin encourages him to accept.
Arthur and Molly dancing
In a behind-the-scenes clip, Julie Walters, who portrays Molly Weasley, shares that she got to dance with Arthur Weasley at the wedding. It also includes some footage of them dancing and having fun.
Hermione dancing with Viktor Krum at the Wedding
In the wedding scene, they filmed when Viktor Krum approaches Hermione Granger and invites her to dance. As they gracefully move together on the dance floor, Ron watches them with a look of jealousy. He sits beside Ginny, visibly upset by this.

Dumbledore conversation extended
In this scene, Harry talks with Elphias Doge about Dumbledore. They discuss Dumbledore's secretive nature and Elphias's communications with him via letters that were personal but cryptic. Muriel interjects, suggesting Rita Skeeter's upcoming book will expose Dumbledore's secrets with help from Bathilda Bagshot, who knew the Dumbledore family well and might have shared private letters and photos.
Grimmauld Place and Infiltration of the Ministry
Harry discovering Lily’s letter
In Sirius's old room, Harry finds a letter addressed to Sirius by his mother, Lily Potter. The letter can be seen at the Warner Brother’s Studio Tour London.
In this scene, Harry wakes up and explores the dark house. He finds a room that has been searched, with an empty picture frame and a photo of his father and friends. In Sirius' room, papers are scattered everywhere. Harry finds a letter from his mother to Sirius, thanking him for a birthday present for Harry. The letter mentions a tea with Bathilda Bagshot and how she tells stories about Dumbledore. Hermione calls for Harry, worried because he disappeared. She's relieved when she finds him. Harry suggests talking to Bathilda for help. Hermione is skeptical, but before they can discuss it further, Ron calls them downstairs to show them three Death Eaters standing outside Grimmauld Place.
The Granger House
In the deleted scene, Yaxley is seen searching the Granger household, on the hunt for Hermione and her parents.
Turning into Ministry employees with Polyjuice Potion
Harry, Hermione, and Ron infiltrate the Ministry of Magic by using Polyjuice Potion to transform into Ministry employees. The deleted parts of the scene include the trio learning about the identities of the Ministry employees they have transformed into.
Longer Ministry of Magic Lift scene
In this deleted scene, Harry, Hermione, and Ron, are discussing their plan. Harry offers to accompany Ron, but Ron insists they focus on finding Umbridge. Hermione provides a spell suggestion to stop the rain. As they separate, Hermione expresses concern about leaving Ron alone, but Harry reassures her, mentioning that Ron has been coming to the Ministry since he was a child.
Harry sees Percy in the Ministry
As Harry is looking for Umbridge’s office he encounters a muttering wizard with a floating quill. Suddenly, a young wizard calls out “Weasley!” which causes Harry to stop and hide. He peers around the corner and sees Percy Weasley. The young wizard informs Percy that they are waiting for his report downstairs, to which Percy hurriedly responds and rushes off.
Ministry of Magic Lifts
This deleted scene shows Harry and Ron meeting in the lift. They are joined by Arthur Weasley and another employee. As Arthur steps out of the lift, Harry who is disguised as Runcorn, warns him that he is being followed.
Ron meets Percy when escaping the Ministry
In this deleted scene, the trio races towards the fireplaces in the Ministry of Magic's atrium. Hermione begins to transform back into herself, realizing they need to escape quickly as they've been recognized. Ron, still disguised as Reg Cattermole, urgently instructs Mary to go home and get the kids to safety, before giving her a hurried kiss and transforming back into himself. He encounters Percy Weasley and, before Percy can react, tells him to piss off. As Yaxley orders the exits to be sealed, the trio makes a desperate dash and manages to escape through a fireplace, narrowly avoiding capture.
Camping and travelling the country
This deleted scene shows Harry and Hermione discussing Horcruxes. As Hermione is about to say “Voldemort,” Ron stops her, explaining that the name is now taboo and cursed. This is how the Death Eaters track people down.
Gregorovitch flashback
Voldemort interrogates Gregorovitch about the Elder Wand. Gregorovitch reveals that a thief took it years ago, and Voldemort kills him with a burst of green light. Meanwhile, in their tent, Harry tells Hermione that Voldemort found Gregorovitch. Hermione urges Harry to close his mind to Voldemort as Dumbledore advised. Harry explains it's impossible to completely block him out, and they discuss the wandmaker's connection to the thief.
Trio hiding in a farm
In this deleted scene, Harry, Hermione, and Ron approach a farm as a soft whistling sound grows louder. Harry stops to listen and sees dots forming the shape of plumes in the sky. The whistling intensifies into a roar, prompting the trio to hurry into a nearby barn and shut the doors. Inside, they witness Death Eaters strafing the sky.
Ron questioning Harry's leadership
In this deleted scene, Harry, Hermione, and Ron walk through a desolate landscape. Ron sullenly trails behind, complaining of hunger. Hermione examines Ron’s injured arm and reminds him that food cannot be conjured from thin air due to magical limitations. Tensions rise as Ron sarcastically questions their repetitive plan of walking and sleeping. Harry demands the Horcrux locket from Ron, who reluctantly hands it over. Harry takes the locket, and Hermione watches as Harry and Ron move on.
Abandoned Caravan Park
In this scene, Harry, Hermione, and Ron arrive at an abandoned caravan park. Ron notices a blackened swing in a playground and crouches to examine the ground, uncovering a shiny, magical toy. He concludes that wizards were there. Hermione, feeling uneasy, expresses her discomfort and desire to leave.
Cut shots of the trio travelling
These cut shots show the trio traveling along a river and on a mountain. They were shown in the trailer and TV spots for the film.
Rabbit Chase in the Forest
In this deleted scene, we see Harry and Ron hunting a rabbit in the forest where they are camping. They are unsuccessful in capturing the animal and begin to playfully cast spells at each other. However, things get serious when Ron starts aiming his spells more aggressively at Harry.
Ron and Hermione Skipping Stones
In this deleted scene, Ron and Hermione share a romantic moment as Ron teaches Hermione how to skip stones on the lake. Meanwhile, Harry sits alone by the tent, looking into the broken mirror shard.
Harry and Ron’s fight
Hermione pleads with Ron to remove the Horcrux, believing it's affecting his behavior. Harry confronts them, accusing Ron and Hermione of whispering behind his back. Ron lashes out, expressing his frustration and fear for his family's safety. Harry and Ron fight before Hermione intervenes. Ron exits the tent and Hermione accidentally knocks over the radio while following him. She returns, soaked, and tells Harry that Ron is gone.
Godric's Hollow and the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Clues and decision to head to Godric’s Hollow
Harry shows Hermione the Snitch, noting its flesh memories, and the phrase "I open at the close" appears. Hermione, puzzled by its meaning, reveals a triangular eye symbol from The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which Harry recalls seeing as an amulet worn by Luna's dad. Harry suggests going to Godric's Hollow, and Hermione agrees, thinking the sword of Gryffindor might be there. They share a light-hearted moment about Harry's knowledge of A History of Magic, with Harry admitting he has only opened the book once when he tossed it at Neville for snoring.
Hermione finds Ariana Dumbledore's tombstone
In this deleted scene, Hermione pauses by a large tombstone and calls Harry over, revealing the grave of Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore. Hermione asks if Harry knew Dumbledore had a sister, to which he responds negatively and walks away.
Bathilda Bagshot scene
The scene with Bathilda Bagshot is extended in the script. It reveals that there were Snatchers in Godric’s Hollow and that the locket starts trembling slightly when Bathilda is near. Hermione also mentions that there is something odd about her. Hermione notices a photograph of Ariana Dumbledore, while Harry finds a picture of a boy he recognizes from Gregorovitch's wand shop. Bathilda gestures for them to go upstairs but insists that Harry comes alone.
Forest of Dean
In this scene, Harry is resting after the escape from Godric’s Hollow. By morning, Hermione reflects on the unchanged beauty of the Forest of Dean, contrasting it with the significant changes in her life. She mentions her parents, who are now living as Wendell and Monica Wilkins in Australia.
The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
The script contains a great explanation of Dumbledore’s past. Hermione reveals to Harry the identity of the boy in the photograph as Gellert Grindelwald. She found this information in The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Hermione explains that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were once close, sharing ideas about wizard supremacy. Harry, disturbed by this revelation, tosses the book away in frustration and Hermione tries to console him.
Ron admits the locket affected him
Harry and Ron discuss the identity of the Patronus, confirming that it was not either of them. Ron admits seeing something else while running but remains unsure. Harry realizes that someone else cast the doe Patronus, leading them to the sword of Gryffindor. Ron also confesses that the locket affected him more than Harry and Hermione, because of his insecurities.
Ron and Harry talk after destroying the locket
Harry examines the destroyed locket and places a hand on Ron's shoulder, mentioning Hermione cried for a week and that she is like a sister to him. Ron apologizes for leaving, and Harry reassures him that retrieving the sword and destroying the Horcrux has made up for it. Ron adds that he also saved Harry's life, to which Harry agrees.
Ron talk about the Horcrux vision
In this scene, Hermione questions how Ron destroyed the locket and obtained the Sword of Gryffindor. Ron reveals how painful it was to see Hermione and Harry in the visions from the Horcrux. Hermione, confused, asks what he saw, but Ron stops, embarrassed. When Hermione asks Harry what happened, he replies that it's a long story.
The Lovegood House and Malfoy Manor
Entering the Lovegood House
Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit Xenophilius Lovegood to seek his help, but he is hesitant due to the danger involved in helping Harry. Ron questions Lovegood's change in stance, and they notice an enormous spiral horn on the wall, which Hermione identifies as a dangerous Erumpent horn.
Trio discuss what Deathly Hallow they would choose
In this scene, Harry, Ron, and Hermione discuss which Deathly Hallow they would choose if they could. Ron says he would choose the Wand, Hermione opts for the Cloak, and Harry chooses the Stone. Harry explains that he wants the Stone so he could bring people back. Ron remarks that Harry’s Invisibility Cloak is unlike any he has ever seen. Harry recalls that he might have held the Stone in Dumbledore’s office when he handled the Horcrux ring. As they are leaving, Hermione notices that Xenophilius has printed the latest issue of the Quibbler with Undesirable No. 1 on the front page.
Voldemort and Grindelwald
In this scene, Voldemort confronts Grindelwald, demanding to know who possesses the Elder Wand. Grindelwald taunts Voldemort, calling him innocent and implying he lacks understanding. When Voldemort insists on knowing the current owner, Grindelwald reveals that Dumbledore is the one who possessed the wand, even in death.
Darker Snatcher Scene
In this clip we see Nick Moran, who plays Scabior, discussing how the snatcher scene was originally darker. They cut the part where Ron invents a new identity for himself as Barney Weasley. Scabior then asks if he is related to the blood traitor Arthur Weasley, revealing that Arthur had been tipped off about the snatchers watching him. This refers to the deleted scene from the lifts at the Ministry of Magic, where Harry, disguised as Runcorn, warns Arthur about the snatchers. Nick Moran also mentions that Scabior was supposed to drag Hermione into the woods, but just as he is about to, Ron distracts him, leading the snatchers to beat Ron instead.
Part 1’s Original Ending
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was originally supposed to end as the trio are led to the gates of Malfoy Manor. However, since the two movies were shot simultaneously, the filmmakers had the flexibility to change this in post-production. Producers David Barron and David Heyman explained that they wanted to end the movie with an emotional resolution. Therefore, they moved the ending to after Dobby’s death.
Entering Malfoy Manor
In this scene, Bellatrix instructs Narcissa to get Draco, while Lucius, holding a wine glass, questions why Draco is needed. Bellatrix dismissively tells Lucius to sit and watch. As the prisoners are brought in, Bellatrix interrogates Scabior about where he found them and notices his scarf, making a snide remark. She then teases Scabior about his apparent interest in Hermione. Bellatrix calls Draco to confirm if they have captured Harry Potter, but Draco hesitates.
Dobby’s Farewell
In this scene, Dobby proudly declares that he is a free elf and is here to rescue Harry and his friends. As they prepare to escape, Harry tells Bellatrix to “Give the Dark Lord our regards,” though this line was cut from the film. At Shell Cottage, Harry realizes that Dobby has been fatally wounded by Bellatrix's dagger. Bill Weasley and Luna approach them, with Luna comforting Harry.
Shell Cottage unused scenes
In an early teaser trailer for the Deathly Hallows movies, a shot of Shell Cottage was shown, though it was not used in any of the final films. Additionally, in a behind-the-scenes clip, Bill Weasley is seen standing on the beach and walking towards the house. It is unclear exactly where this scene would have fit into the movie.
That was every deleted and unreleased scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. What scenes do you wish they hadn’t cut? If I have missed any scenes, feel free to share them in the comment section or contact me to let me know.