Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Wizard Collection

In the book Harry Potter Collector’s Handbook (2010) the author William Silvester writes:
“The variety that has caused the most controversy is the crest vs. no crest. The story goes that in the early days of producing the figures, Mattel was inconsistent with details on some of the figures, notably Gryffindor Harry, Gryffindor Ron, Gryffindor Hermione, Slytherin Malfoy, and Remembrall Malfoy. Some of these figures were produced with crests on the left side of their chests, others without. Most that I have seen are without crests, but some sellers claim that the ones with the crests are the rare ones. The pictures of the figures on the package do not have crests, and therefore I assume this would be the correct variety. Until this debate has been decided, I suggest you take care in purchasing crest/no crest figures unless the seller can confirm the source of his information as to which is the rarity, if either.” (p. 39)
Deluxe Creatures
Quidditch Team

Hogwarts Heroes

Magical Powers
