Harry Potter Wands with Character Wand Boxes — Harry Potter Database

Harry Potter Wands with Character Wand Boxes

Harry Potter Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand that chose Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, when he visited Ollivanders Wand shop aged 11. Character box contains name clip.

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Ron Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Ron Weasley, founding member of Dumbledore’s Army, Gryffindor Keeper and best friend to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Character box contains name clip.

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Hermione Granger Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Hermione Granger, founding member of Dumbledore’s Army, best friend to Ron and Harry and often called the brightest witch of her age. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Dumbledore Wand with Character Wand Box

Professor Albus Dumbledore’s wand, also known as the Elder Wand. Character box contains name clip.

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Lord Voldemort Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, known for sharing its core with Harry Potter’s wand. Character box contains name clip.

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Draco Malfoy Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of proud Slytherin Draco Malfoy. Character box contains name clip.

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Neville Longbottom Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Neville Longbottom, loyal and brave Gryffindor. Character box contains name clip.

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Ginny Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of the Weasleys’ only daughter and member of Dumbledore’s Army, Ginny Weasley. Character box contains name clip.

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Luna Lovegood Wand with Character Wand Box

The second wand of Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw student and member of Dumbledore’s Army. Character box contains name clip.

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Cho Chang Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Cho Chang, Ravenclaw Seeker and member of Dumbledore’s Army. Character box contains name clip.

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Cedric Diggory Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Triwizard Champion Cedric Diggory. Character box contains name clip.

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Fleur Delacour Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand owned by Fleur Delacour, member of the Order of the Phoenix and the Triwizard champion for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Character box contains name clip.

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Viktor Krum Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Viktor Krum, international Quidditch player and Durmstrang Champion in the Triwizard Tournament. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Minerva McGonagall Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Professor Minerva McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House and Transfiguration at Hogwarts. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Severus Snape Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of notorious Potions Master Professor Severus Snape, also Head of Slytherin House. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Remus Lupin Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Remus Lupin, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and one of the creators of the Marauder’s Map. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Horace Slughorn Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Professor Horace Slughorn, Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House. Character box contains name clip.

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Sirius Black Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Sirius Black, godfather of Harry Potter, member of Order of the Phoenix and the Marauders. Character box contains name clip.

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Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Alastor Moody, ex-Auror and Order of the Phoenix member. Character box contains name clip.

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Nymphadora Tonks Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Nymphadora Tonks, Auror and member of Order of the Phoenix. Character box contains name clip.

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Bellatrix Lestrange Wand with Character Wand Box

The second wand of Bellatrix Lestrange, one of Voldemort’s most faithful followers. Character box contains name clip.

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Narcissa Malfoy Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Narcissa Malfoy, proud mother to Draco and former Death Eater. Character box contains name clip.

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Fenrir Greyback Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Death Eater and werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Character box contains name clip.

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Harry Potter Snatcher Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand acquired from a Snatcher by Ron Weasley, later given to Harry as a replacement for his own broken wand. Character box contains name clip.

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Arthur Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Arthur Weasley, proud father to the Weasley family, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Character box contains name clip.

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Molly Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of the formidable Molly Weasley, matriarch of the Weasley family and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Character box contains name clip.

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Percy Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Percy Weasley, Hogwarts Head Boy, Ministry of Magic employee and the third child of the Weasley family. Character box contains name clip.

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Bill Weasley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Bill Weasley, eldest Weasley child and Gringotts Curse-Breaker. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Filius Flitwick Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Professor Flitwick, teacher of Charms and Head of Ravenclaw House. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Pomona Sprout Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Professor Pomona Sprout, Head of Herbology and Head of Hufflepuff at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Character box contains name clip.

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Professor Sybil Trelawney Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Sybil Trelawney, Divination teacher at Hogwarts and creator of Harry Potter’s prophecy. Character box contains name clip.

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Madam Pomfrey Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Madam Pomfrey, Healer at Hogwarts School. Character box contains name clip.

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Seamus Finnigan Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Seamus Finnigan, Gryffindor student and member of Dumbledore’s Army. Character box contains name clip.

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Dean Thomas Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Dean Thomas, member of Dumbledore’s Army and proud Gryffindor. Character box contains name clip.

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Katie Bell Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Katie Bell, Gryffindor Chaser and member of Dumbledore’s Army. Character box contains name clip.

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Lavender Brown Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Lavender Brown, loyal Gryffindor and member of Dumbledore’s Army. Character box contains name clip.

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Nigel Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Nigel Wolpert, member of Dumbledore’s Army and avid fan of Harry Potter. Character box contains name clip.

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Oliver Wood Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Oliver Wood, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Keeper. Character box contains name clip.

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Parvati Patil Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Parvati Patil, member of Dumbledore’s Army and twin sister of Padma. Character box contains name clip.

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Gregory Goyle Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Gregory Goyle, proud Slytherin and friend of Draco Malfoy. Character box contains name clip.

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Vincent Crabbe Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Vincent Crabbe, follower of Draco Malfoy. Character box contains name clip.

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James Potter Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of James Potter, Harry Potter’s father and part of the Marauders group. Character box contains name clip.

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Kingsley Shacklebolt Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Kingsley Shacklebolt, Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Character box contains name clip.

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Mundungus Fletcher Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Mundungus Fletcher, known thief and all-around shady character. Character box contains name clip.

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Xenophilius Lovegood Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Xenophilius Lovegood, father to Luna and editor of The Quibbler. Character box contains name clip.

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Rufus Scrimgeour Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Rufus Scrimgeour, Minister for Magic. Character box contains name clip.

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Puis Thicknesse Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Pius Thicknesse, one-time Minister of Magic. Character box contains name clip.

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Yaxley Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Yaxley, Ministry employee and follower of the Dark Lord. Character box contains name clip.

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Lucius Malfoy Wand with Character Wand Box

The second wand of Lucius Malfoy, proud pure-blood and father to Draco. Character box contains name clip.

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Alecto Carrow Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Alecto Carrow, Death Eater and temporary Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts. Character box contains name clip.

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Scabior Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Scabior, a snatcher. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Brown) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in a brown design. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Skull) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in a spooky skull design. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Snake) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in an intricate snake and skeleton design. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Stallion) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in a sleek stallion design. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Swirl) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in a swirling design, similar to the Dark Mark. Character box contains name clip.

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Death Eater Wand (Thorn) with Character Wand Box

A Death Eater’s wand in a spiky thorned design. Character box contains name clip.

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Gellert Grindelwand Wand with Charancter Wand Box

The wand owned by Gellert Grindelwald, Dark Wizard and former friend to Albus Dumbledore.

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Gregorovitch Wand with Character Wand Box

The wand of Gregorovitch, wand-maker and one-time owner of the Elder Wand. Character box contains name clip.

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